Saturday, April 2, 2016

to know and be known

(A draft and running on thoughts -- to come back to and consider)

This week I attended a meeting of clergy.  I have not attended a like meeting since...1996.  Before that time I was a faithful attendee at all meetings, but then things happened to disillusion me over the years: betrayals of myself and others.  But I digress...THIS meeting had no real agenda except to form relationships.  Our host invited everyone to share where they came from and it was good.

I am probably the only one who came away from that meeting touched.  And I can not say that any real bonds of friendship were formed.  But I loved the stories and I loved the stories that ran between the lines.  I was revealed to hear how the Holy Spirit had worked.  I was moved by the story of a couple who opened their home every week to a before school Bible study for high school youth (does anyone mainline do that anymore?).  I was moved by the continued ministry of one who has faced cancer not once but twice and still returns to the pulpit. I listened and felt an almost relief that one in leadership shares my sadness that the YMCA has forgotten what the "C" stands for in their name.

And I delighted in the dry wit and savvy questions of one, who while I would most likely never see eye to eye on theologically, shared a ministry of heart in our own country and abroad.

 I stumbled through my own story.  I probably sounded like an unenthusiastic slump.  However, when I left I didn't feel that I was actually there to tell my story but hear the others. To be heartened, just a little in ministry.

Most importantly I am determined that one of the most important things we can do in the church is to know and be known -- not only Jesus Christ, but one another. It's not a new idea, but it is one that needs to be repeated and perhaps preached more often.  When we come to know each others stories we become more compassionate.

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