Friday, August 12, 2016

Friday Five

RevGal Friday Five...
Just as 1 Corinthians 12 notes that each of us have our own gifts that we contribute to the Body of Christ, we all have something in which we excel. Today’s Friday Five, name five successful areas of your life for which would you win an award or honor that you wish you could win.  Would it be for an athletic feat?  Would your win be a Grammy or another award for musical achievement?  Or maybe your win would be for everyday life achievements – from having the most pristine microwave oven to not passing out at the sight of blood.  As you name your five achievements, who would you thank in your acceptance speech?

1) Theater directing.
2) Worship planning
3) Organization and Administration
4)Worship Leadership
5) Sermon presentation

Friday, August 5, 2016

Five things I love in my neighborhood

This week's RevGal "Friday five challenge" is 
share with us five things that bring you joy in your neighborhood (past and/or present).

I may be more aware of things because as a homeschooler going for a daily "nature walk" was a part of our rhythm. 
Some of my favorite things on our walks would be

- the dead-end road that is a small strip of land between two lakes.  The residents of this little strip have created a cottage area feel, so that each time I walk that way it feels like vacation.

The historical marker of the first school in our township and the story it tells of the friendship of the Native Americans and the first settlers. 

The Lake in my backyard and the beach I can walk to just down the road.

The Custard Corner - enough said. 

No longer there, sadly, we use to be able to walk to a butcher.  loved that and would often go down to have fresh meat cut into steaks, or get freshly ground hamburger.  And you could watch them work!
Now days it is a Mexican store. 

And (number 6) no longer there, a Big Boy.